Dart Documentationchrome.bookmarksBookmarkTreeNode

BookmarkTreeNode class

A node (either a bookmark or a folder) in the bookmark tree. Child nodes are ordered within their parent folder.

class BookmarkTreeNode extends ChromeObject {
 BookmarkTreeNode({String id, String parentId, int index, String url, String title, var dateAdded, var dateGroupModified, List<BookmarkTreeNode> children}) {
   if (id != null) this.id = id;
   if (parentId != null) this.parentId = parentId;
   if (index != null) this.index = index;
   if (url != null) this.url = url;
   if (title != null) this.title = title;
   if (dateAdded != null) this.dateAdded = dateAdded;
   if (dateGroupModified != null) this.dateGroupModified = dateGroupModified;
   if (children != null) this.children = children;
 BookmarkTreeNode.fromProxy(JsObject jsProxy): super.fromProxy(jsProxy);

  * The unique identifier for the node. IDs are unique within the current
  * profile, and they remain valid even after the browser is restarted.
 String get id => jsProxy['id'];
 set id(String value) => jsProxy['id'] = value;

  * The `id` of the parent folder.  Omitted for the root node.
 String get parentId => jsProxy['parentId'];
 set parentId(String value) => jsProxy['parentId'] = value;

  * The 0-based position of this node within its parent folder.
 int get index => jsProxy['index'];
 set index(int value) => jsProxy['index'] = value;

  * The URL navigated to when a user clicks the bookmark. Omitted for folders.
 String get url => jsProxy['url'];
 set url(String value) => jsProxy['url'] = value;

  * The text displayed for the node.
 String get title => jsProxy['title'];
 set title(String value) => jsProxy['title'] = value;

  * When this node was created, in milliseconds since the epoch (`new
  * Date(dateAdded)`).
 dynamic get dateAdded => jsProxy['dateAdded'];
 set dateAdded(var value) => jsProxy['dateAdded'] = jsify(value);

  * When the contents of this folder last changed, in milliseconds since the
  * epoch.
 dynamic get dateGroupModified => jsProxy['dateGroupModified'];
 set dateGroupModified(var value) => jsProxy['dateGroupModified'] = jsify(value);

  * An ordered list of children of this node.
 List<BookmarkTreeNode> get children => listify(jsProxy['children'], _createBookmarkTreeNode);
 set children(List<BookmarkTreeNode> value) => jsProxy['children'] = jsify(value);


ChromeObject > BookmarkTreeNode


new BookmarkTreeNode({String id, String parentId, int index, String url, String title, dateAdded, dateGroupModified, List<BookmarkTreeNode> children}) #

Create a new instance of a ChromeObject, which creates and delegates to a JsObject proxy.

docs inherited from ChromeObject
BookmarkTreeNode({String id, String parentId, int index, String url, String title, var dateAdded, var dateGroupModified, List<BookmarkTreeNode> children}) {
 if (id != null) this.id = id;
 if (parentId != null) this.parentId = parentId;
 if (index != null) this.index = index;
 if (url != null) this.url = url;
 if (title != null) this.title = title;
 if (dateAdded != null) this.dateAdded = dateAdded;
 if (dateGroupModified != null) this.dateGroupModified = dateGroupModified;
 if (children != null) this.children = children;

new BookmarkTreeNode.fromProxy(JsObject jsProxy) #

Create a new instance of a ChromeObject, which delegates to the given JsObject proxy.

docs inherited from ChromeObject
BookmarkTreeNode.fromProxy(JsObject jsProxy): super.fromProxy(jsProxy);


List<BookmarkTreeNode> children #

An ordered list of children of this node.

List<BookmarkTreeNode> get children => listify(jsProxy['children'], _createBookmarkTreeNode);
set children(List<BookmarkTreeNode> value) => jsProxy['children'] = jsify(value);

var dateAdded #

When this node was created, in milliseconds since the epoch (new Date(dateAdded)).

dynamic get dateAdded => jsProxy['dateAdded'];
set dateAdded(var value) => jsProxy['dateAdded'] = jsify(value);

var dateGroupModified #

When the contents of this folder last changed, in milliseconds since the epoch.

dynamic get dateGroupModified => jsProxy['dateGroupModified'];
set dateGroupModified(var value) => jsProxy['dateGroupModified'] = jsify(value);

String id #

The unique identifier for the node. IDs are unique within the current profile, and they remain valid even after the browser is restarted.

String get id => jsProxy['id'];
set id(String value) => jsProxy['id'] = value;

int index #

The 0-based position of this node within its parent folder.

int get index => jsProxy['index'];
set index(int value) => jsProxy['index'] = value;

final jsProxy #

inherited from ChromeObject
final dynamic jsProxy

String parentId #

The id of the parent folder. Omitted for the root node.

String get parentId => jsProxy['parentId'];
set parentId(String value) => jsProxy['parentId'] = value;

String title #

The text displayed for the node.

String get title => jsProxy['title'];
set title(String value) => jsProxy['title'] = value;

String url #

The URL navigated to when a user clicks the bookmark. Omitted for folders.

String get url => jsProxy['url'];
set url(String value) => jsProxy['url'] = value;


JsObject toJs() #

inherited from ChromeObject
JsObject toJs() => jsProxy;

String toString() #

inherited from ChromeObject

Returns a string representation of this object.

docs inherited from Object
String toString() => jsProxy.toString();