Dart Documentationchrome.declarativeWebRequestFilterResponseCookie

FilterResponseCookie class

A filter of a cookie in HTTP Responses.

class FilterResponseCookie extends ChromeObject {
 FilterResponseCookie({String name, String value, String expires, var maxAge, String domain, String path, String secure, String httpOnly, int ageUpperBound, int ageLowerBound, bool sessionCookie}) {
   if (name != null) this.name = name;
   if (value != null) this.value = value;
   if (expires != null) this.expires = expires;
   if (maxAge != null) this.maxAge = maxAge;
   if (domain != null) this.domain = domain;
   if (path != null) this.path = path;
   if (secure != null) this.secure = secure;
   if (httpOnly != null) this.httpOnly = httpOnly;
   if (ageUpperBound != null) this.ageUpperBound = ageUpperBound;
   if (ageLowerBound != null) this.ageLowerBound = ageLowerBound;
   if (sessionCookie != null) this.sessionCookie = sessionCookie;
 FilterResponseCookie.fromProxy(JsObject jsProxy): super.fromProxy(jsProxy);

  * Name of a cookie.
 String get name => jsProxy['name'];
 set name(String value) => jsProxy['name'] = value;

  * Value of a cookie, may be padded in double-quotes.
 String get value => jsProxy['value'];
 set value(String value) => jsProxy['value'] = value;

  * Value of the Expires cookie attribute.
 String get expires => jsProxy['expires'];
 set expires(String value) => jsProxy['expires'] = value;

  * Value of the Max-Age cookie attribute
 dynamic get maxAge => jsProxy['maxAge'];
 set maxAge(var value) => jsProxy['maxAge'] = jsify(value);

  * Value of the Domain cookie attribute.
 String get domain => jsProxy['domain'];
 set domain(String value) => jsProxy['domain'] = value;

  * Value of the Path cookie attribute.
 String get path => jsProxy['path'];
 set path(String value) => jsProxy['path'] = value;

  * Existence of the Secure cookie attribute.
 String get secure => jsProxy['secure'];
 set secure(String value) => jsProxy['secure'] = value;

  * Existence of the HttpOnly cookie attribute.
 String get httpOnly => jsProxy['httpOnly'];
 set httpOnly(String value) => jsProxy['httpOnly'] = value;

  * Inclusive upper bound on the cookie lifetime (specified in seconds after
  * current time). Only cookies whose expiration date-time is in the interval
  * [now, now + ageUpperBound] fulfill this criterion. Session cookies and
  * cookies whose expiration date-time is in the past do not meet the criterion
  * of this filter. The cookie lifetime is calculated from either 'max-age' or
  * 'expires' cookie attributes. If both are specified, 'max-age' is used to
  * calculate the cookie lifetime.
 int get ageUpperBound => jsProxy['ageUpperBound'];
 set ageUpperBound(int value) => jsProxy['ageUpperBound'] = value;

  * Inclusive lower bound on the cookie lifetime (specified in seconds after
  * current time). Only cookies whose expiration date-time is set to 'now +
  * ageLowerBound' or later fulfill this criterion. Session cookies do not meet
  * the criterion of this filter. The cookie lifetime is calculated from either
  * 'max-age' or 'expires' cookie attributes. If both are specified, 'max-age'
  * is used to calculate the cookie lifetime.
 int get ageLowerBound => jsProxy['ageLowerBound'];
 set ageLowerBound(int value) => jsProxy['ageLowerBound'] = value;

  * Filters session cookies. Session cookies have no lifetime specified in any
  * of 'max-age' or 'expires' attributes.
 bool get sessionCookie => jsProxy['sessionCookie'];
 set sessionCookie(bool value) => jsProxy['sessionCookie'] = value;


ChromeObject > FilterResponseCookie


new FilterResponseCookie({String name, String value, String expires, maxAge, String domain, String path, String secure, String httpOnly, int ageUpperBound, int ageLowerBound, bool sessionCookie}) #

Create a new instance of a ChromeObject, which creates and delegates to a JsObject proxy.

docs inherited from ChromeObject
FilterResponseCookie({String name, String value, String expires, var maxAge, String domain, String path, String secure, String httpOnly, int ageUpperBound, int ageLowerBound, bool sessionCookie}) {
 if (name != null) this.name = name;
 if (value != null) this.value = value;
 if (expires != null) this.expires = expires;
 if (maxAge != null) this.maxAge = maxAge;
 if (domain != null) this.domain = domain;
 if (path != null) this.path = path;
 if (secure != null) this.secure = secure;
 if (httpOnly != null) this.httpOnly = httpOnly;
 if (ageUpperBound != null) this.ageUpperBound = ageUpperBound;
 if (ageLowerBound != null) this.ageLowerBound = ageLowerBound;
 if (sessionCookie != null) this.sessionCookie = sessionCookie;

new FilterResponseCookie.fromProxy(JsObject jsProxy) #

Create a new instance of a ChromeObject, which delegates to the given JsObject proxy.

docs inherited from ChromeObject
FilterResponseCookie.fromProxy(JsObject jsProxy): super.fromProxy(jsProxy);


int ageLowerBound #

Inclusive lower bound on the cookie lifetime (specified in seconds after current time). Only cookies whose expiration date-time is set to 'now + ageLowerBound' or later fulfill this criterion. Session cookies do not meet the criterion of this filter. The cookie lifetime is calculated from either 'max-age' or 'expires' cookie attributes. If both are specified, 'max-age' is used to calculate the cookie lifetime.

int get ageLowerBound => jsProxy['ageLowerBound'];
set ageLowerBound(int value) => jsProxy['ageLowerBound'] = value;

int ageUpperBound #

Inclusive upper bound on the cookie lifetime (specified in seconds after current time). Only cookies whose expiration date-time is in the interval now, now + ageUpperBound fulfill this criterion. Session cookies and cookies whose expiration date-time is in the past do not meet the criterion of this filter. The cookie lifetime is calculated from either 'max-age' or 'expires' cookie attributes. If both are specified, 'max-age' is used to calculate the cookie lifetime.

int get ageUpperBound => jsProxy['ageUpperBound'];
set ageUpperBound(int value) => jsProxy['ageUpperBound'] = value;

String domain #

Value of the Domain cookie attribute.

String get domain => jsProxy['domain'];
set domain(String value) => jsProxy['domain'] = value;

String expires #

Value of the Expires cookie attribute.

String get expires => jsProxy['expires'];
set expires(String value) => jsProxy['expires'] = value;

String httpOnly #

Existence of the HttpOnly cookie attribute.

String get httpOnly => jsProxy['httpOnly'];
set httpOnly(String value) => jsProxy['httpOnly'] = value;

final jsProxy #

inherited from ChromeObject
final dynamic jsProxy

var maxAge #

Value of the Max-Age cookie attribute

dynamic get maxAge => jsProxy['maxAge'];
set maxAge(var value) => jsProxy['maxAge'] = jsify(value);

String name #

Name of a cookie.

String get name => jsProxy['name'];
set name(String value) => jsProxy['name'] = value;

String path #

Value of the Path cookie attribute.

String get path => jsProxy['path'];
set path(String value) => jsProxy['path'] = value;

String secure #

Existence of the Secure cookie attribute.

String get secure => jsProxy['secure'];
set secure(String value) => jsProxy['secure'] = value;

bool sessionCookie #

Filters session cookies. Session cookies have no lifetime specified in any of 'max-age' or 'expires' attributes.

bool get sessionCookie => jsProxy['sessionCookie'];
set sessionCookie(bool value) => jsProxy['sessionCookie'] = value;

String value #

Value of a cookie, may be padded in double-quotes.

String get value => jsProxy['value'];
set value(String value) => jsProxy['value'] = value;


JsObject toJs() #

inherited from ChromeObject
JsObject toJs() => jsProxy;

String toString() #

inherited from ChromeObject

Returns a string representation of this object.

docs inherited from Object
String toString() => jsProxy.toString();