Dart Documentationchrome.devtoolsButton

Button class

A button created by the extension.

class Button extends ChromeObject {
 Button.fromProxy(JsObject jsProxy): super.fromProxy(jsProxy);

  * Updates the attributes of the button. If some of the arguments are omitted
  * or `null`, the corresponding attributes are not updated.
  * [iconPath] Path to the new icon of the button.
  * [tooltipText] Text shown as a tooltip when user hovers the mouse over the
  * button.
  * [disabled] Whether the button is disabled.
 void update([String iconPath, String tooltipText, bool disabled]) {
   jsProxy.callMethod('update', [iconPath, tooltipText, disabled]);


ChromeObject > Button


new Button() #

Create a new instance of a ChromeObject, which creates and delegates to a JsObject proxy.

docs inherited from ChromeObject

new Button.fromProxy(JsObject jsProxy) #

Create a new instance of a ChromeObject, which delegates to the given JsObject proxy.

docs inherited from ChromeObject
Button.fromProxy(JsObject jsProxy): super.fromProxy(jsProxy);


final jsProxy #

inherited from ChromeObject
final dynamic jsProxy


JsObject toJs() #

inherited from ChromeObject
JsObject toJs() => jsProxy;

String toString() #

inherited from ChromeObject

Returns a string representation of this object.

docs inherited from Object
String toString() => jsProxy.toString();

void update([String iconPath, String tooltipText, bool disabled]) #

Updates the attributes of the button. If some of the arguments are omitted or null, the corresponding attributes are not updated.

iconPath Path to the new icon of the button.

tooltipText Text shown as a tooltip when user hovers the mouse over the button.

disabled Whether the button is disabled.

void update([String iconPath, String tooltipText, bool disabled]) {
 jsProxy.callMethod('update', [iconPath, tooltipText, disabled]);