Dart Documentationchrome.devtoolsDevtoolsInspectedWindowReloadParams

DevtoolsInspectedWindowReloadParams class

class DevtoolsInspectedWindowReloadParams extends ChromeObject {
 DevtoolsInspectedWindowReloadParams({bool ignoreCache, String userAgent, String injectedScript}) {
   if (ignoreCache != null) this.ignoreCache = ignoreCache;
   if (userAgent != null) this.userAgent = userAgent;
   if (injectedScript != null) this.injectedScript = injectedScript;
 DevtoolsInspectedWindowReloadParams.fromProxy(JsObject jsProxy): super.fromProxy(jsProxy);

  * When true, the loader will ignore the cache for all inspected page
  * resources loaded before the `load` event is fired. The effect is similar to
  * pressing Ctrl+Shift+R in the inspected window or within the Developer Tools
  * window.
 bool get ignoreCache => jsProxy['ignoreCache'];
 set ignoreCache(bool value) => jsProxy['ignoreCache'] = value;

  * If specified, the string will override the value of the `User-Agent` HTTP
  * header that's sent while loading the resources of the inspected page. The
  * string will also override the value of the `navigator.userAgent` property
  * that's returned to any scripts that are running within the inspected page.
 String get userAgent => jsProxy['userAgent'];
 set userAgent(String value) => jsProxy['userAgent'] = value;

  * If specified, the script will be injected into every frame of the inspected
  * page immediately upon load, before any of the frame's scripts. The script
  * will not be injected after subsequent reloads-for example, if the user
  * presses Ctrl+R.
 String get injectedScript => jsProxy['injectedScript'];
 set injectedScript(String value) => jsProxy['injectedScript'] = value;


ChromeObject > DevtoolsInspectedWindowReloadParams


new DevtoolsInspectedWindowReloadParams({bool ignoreCache, String userAgent, String injectedScript}) #

Create a new instance of a ChromeObject, which creates and delegates to a JsObject proxy.

docs inherited from ChromeObject
DevtoolsInspectedWindowReloadParams({bool ignoreCache, String userAgent, String injectedScript}) {
 if (ignoreCache != null) this.ignoreCache = ignoreCache;
 if (userAgent != null) this.userAgent = userAgent;
 if (injectedScript != null) this.injectedScript = injectedScript;

new DevtoolsInspectedWindowReloadParams.fromProxy(JsObject jsProxy) #

Create a new instance of a ChromeObject, which delegates to the given JsObject proxy.

docs inherited from ChromeObject
DevtoolsInspectedWindowReloadParams.fromProxy(JsObject jsProxy): super.fromProxy(jsProxy);


bool ignoreCache #

When true, the loader will ignore the cache for all inspected page resources loaded before the load event is fired. The effect is similar to pressing Ctrl+Shift+R in the inspected window or within the Developer Tools window.

bool get ignoreCache => jsProxy['ignoreCache'];
set ignoreCache(bool value) => jsProxy['ignoreCache'] = value;

String injectedScript #

If specified, the script will be injected into every frame of the inspected page immediately upon load, before any of the frame's scripts. The script will not be injected after subsequent reloads-for example, if the user presses Ctrl+R.

String get injectedScript => jsProxy['injectedScript'];
set injectedScript(String value) => jsProxy['injectedScript'] = value;

final jsProxy #

inherited from ChromeObject
final dynamic jsProxy

String userAgent #

If specified, the string will override the value of the User-Agent HTTP header that's sent while loading the resources of the inspected page. The string will also override the value of the navigator.userAgent property that's returned to any scripts that are running within the inspected page.

String get userAgent => jsProxy['userAgent'];
set userAgent(String value) => jsProxy['userAgent'] = value;


JsObject toJs() #

inherited from ChromeObject
JsObject toJs() => jsProxy;

String toString() #

inherited from ChromeObject

Returns a string representation of this object.

docs inherited from Object
String toString() => jsProxy.toString();