Dart Documentationchrome.inputOnSurroundingTextChangedEvent

OnSurroundingTextChangedEvent class

Called when the editable string around caret is changed or when the caret position is moved. The text length is limited to 100 characters for each back and forth direction.

class OnSurroundingTextChangedEvent {
  * ID of the engine receiving the event
 final String engineID;

  * The surrounding information.
 final Map surroundingInfo;

 OnSurroundingTextChangedEvent(this.engineID, this.surroundingInfo);


new OnSurroundingTextChangedEvent(String engineID, Map surroundingInfo) #

Creates a new Object instance.

Object instances have no meaningful state, and are only useful through their identity. An Object instance is equal to itself only.

docs inherited from Object
OnSurroundingTextChangedEvent(this.engineID, this.surroundingInfo);


final String engineID #

ID of the engine receiving the event

final String engineID

final Map surroundingInfo #

The surrounding information.

final Map surroundingInfo