Dart Documentationchrome.inputPropertiesInputIme

PropertiesInputIme class

class PropertiesInputIme extends ChromeObject {
 PropertiesInputIme({bool visible, bool cursorVisible, bool vertical, int pageSize, String auxiliaryText, bool auxiliaryTextVisible, String windowPosition}) {
   if (visible != null) this.visible = visible;
   if (cursorVisible != null) this.cursorVisible = cursorVisible;
   if (vertical != null) this.vertical = vertical;
   if (pageSize != null) this.pageSize = pageSize;
   if (auxiliaryText != null) this.auxiliaryText = auxiliaryText;
   if (auxiliaryTextVisible != null) this.auxiliaryTextVisible = auxiliaryTextVisible;
   if (windowPosition != null) this.windowPosition = windowPosition;
 PropertiesInputIme.fromProxy(JsObject jsProxy): super.fromProxy(jsProxy);

  * True to show the Candidate window, false to hide it.
 bool get visible => jsProxy['visible'];
 set visible(bool value) => jsProxy['visible'] = value;

  * True to show the cursor, false to hide it.
 bool get cursorVisible => jsProxy['cursorVisible'];
 set cursorVisible(bool value) => jsProxy['cursorVisible'] = value;

  * True if the candidate window should be rendered vertical, false to make it
  * horizontal.
 bool get vertical => jsProxy['vertical'];
 set vertical(bool value) => jsProxy['vertical'] = value;

  * The number of candidates to display per page.
 int get pageSize => jsProxy['pageSize'];
 set pageSize(int value) => jsProxy['pageSize'] = value;

  * Text that is shown at the bottom of the candidate window.
 String get auxiliaryText => jsProxy['auxiliaryText'];
 set auxiliaryText(String value) => jsProxy['auxiliaryText'] = value;

  * True to display the auxiliary text, false to hide it.
 bool get auxiliaryTextVisible => jsProxy['auxiliaryTextVisible'];
 set auxiliaryTextVisible(bool value) => jsProxy['auxiliaryTextVisible'] = value;

  * Where to display the candidate window. If set to 'cursor', the window
  * follows the cursor. If set to 'composition', the window is locked to the
  * beginning of the composition.
  * enum of `cursor`, `composition`
 String get windowPosition => jsProxy['windowPosition'];
 set windowPosition(String value) => jsProxy['windowPosition'] = value;


ChromeObject > PropertiesInputIme


new PropertiesInputIme({bool visible, bool cursorVisible, bool vertical, int pageSize, String auxiliaryText, bool auxiliaryTextVisible, String windowPosition}) #

Create a new instance of a ChromeObject, which creates and delegates to a JsObject proxy.

docs inherited from ChromeObject
PropertiesInputIme({bool visible, bool cursorVisible, bool vertical, int pageSize, String auxiliaryText, bool auxiliaryTextVisible, String windowPosition}) {
 if (visible != null) this.visible = visible;
 if (cursorVisible != null) this.cursorVisible = cursorVisible;
 if (vertical != null) this.vertical = vertical;
 if (pageSize != null) this.pageSize = pageSize;
 if (auxiliaryText != null) this.auxiliaryText = auxiliaryText;
 if (auxiliaryTextVisible != null) this.auxiliaryTextVisible = auxiliaryTextVisible;
 if (windowPosition != null) this.windowPosition = windowPosition;

new PropertiesInputIme.fromProxy(JsObject jsProxy) #

Create a new instance of a ChromeObject, which delegates to the given JsObject proxy.

docs inherited from ChromeObject
PropertiesInputIme.fromProxy(JsObject jsProxy): super.fromProxy(jsProxy);


String auxiliaryText #

Text that is shown at the bottom of the candidate window.

String get auxiliaryText => jsProxy['auxiliaryText'];
set auxiliaryText(String value) => jsProxy['auxiliaryText'] = value;

bool auxiliaryTextVisible #

True to display the auxiliary text, false to hide it.

bool get auxiliaryTextVisible => jsProxy['auxiliaryTextVisible'];
set auxiliaryTextVisible(bool value) => jsProxy['auxiliaryTextVisible'] = value;

bool cursorVisible #

True to show the cursor, false to hide it.

bool get cursorVisible => jsProxy['cursorVisible'];
set cursorVisible(bool value) => jsProxy['cursorVisible'] = value;

final jsProxy #

inherited from ChromeObject
final dynamic jsProxy

int pageSize #

The number of candidates to display per page.

int get pageSize => jsProxy['pageSize'];
set pageSize(int value) => jsProxy['pageSize'] = value;

bool vertical #

True if the candidate window should be rendered vertical, false to make it horizontal.

bool get vertical => jsProxy['vertical'];
set vertical(bool value) => jsProxy['vertical'] = value;

bool visible #

True to show the Candidate window, false to hide it.

bool get visible => jsProxy['visible'];
set visible(bool value) => jsProxy['visible'] = value;

String windowPosition #

Where to display the candidate window. If set to 'cursor', the window follows the cursor. If set to 'composition', the window is locked to the beginning of the composition. enum of cursor, composition

String get windowPosition => jsProxy['windowPosition'];
set windowPosition(String value) => jsProxy['windowPosition'] = value;


JsObject toJs() #

inherited from ChromeObject
JsObject toJs() => jsProxy;

String toString() #

inherited from ChromeObject

Returns a string representation of this object.

docs inherited from Object
String toString() => jsProxy.toString();