Dart Documentationchrome.omniboxChromeOmnibox

ChromeOmnibox class

class ChromeOmnibox extends ChromeApi {
 static final JsObject _omnibox = chrome['omnibox'];


 bool get available => _omnibox != null;

  * A callback passed to the onInputChanged event used for sending suggestions
  * back to the browser.
  * [suggestResults] An array of suggest results
 void sendSuggestions(int requestId, List<SuggestResult> suggestResults) {
   if (_omnibox == null) _throwNotAvailable();

   _omnibox.callMethod('sendSuggestions', [requestId, jsify(suggestResults)]);

  * Sets the description and styling for the default suggestion. The default
  * suggestion is the text that is displayed in the first suggestion row
  * underneath the URL bar.
  * [suggestion] A partial SuggestResult object, without the 'content'
  * parameter.
 void setDefaultSuggestion(DefaultSuggestResult suggestion) {
   if (_omnibox == null) _throwNotAvailable();

   _omnibox.callMethod('setDefaultSuggestion', [jsify(suggestion)]);

  * User has started a keyword input session by typing the extension's keyword.
  * This is guaranteed to be sent exactly once per input session, and before
  * any onInputChanged events.
 Stream get onInputStarted => _onInputStarted.stream;

 final ChromeStreamController _onInputStarted =
     new ChromeStreamController.noArgs(_omnibox, 'onInputStarted');

  * User has changed what is typed into the omnibox.
 Stream<OnInputChangedEvent> get onInputChanged => _onInputChanged.stream;

 final ChromeStreamController<OnInputChangedEvent> _onInputChanged =
     new ChromeStreamController<OnInputChangedEvent>.twoArgs(_omnibox, 'onInputChanged', _createOnInputChangedEvent);

  * User has accepted what is typed into the omnibox.
 Stream<OnInputEnteredEvent> get onInputEntered => _onInputEntered.stream;

 final ChromeStreamController<OnInputEnteredEvent> _onInputEntered =
     new ChromeStreamController<OnInputEnteredEvent>.twoArgs(_omnibox, 'onInputEntered', _createOnInputEnteredEvent);

  * User has ended the keyword input session without accepting the input.
 Stream get onInputCancelled => _onInputCancelled.stream;

 final ChromeStreamController _onInputCancelled =
     new ChromeStreamController.noArgs(_omnibox, 'onInputCancelled');

 void _throwNotAvailable() {
   throw new UnsupportedError("'chrome.omnibox' is not available");


ChromeApi > ChromeOmnibox


final bool available #

Returns true if the API is available. The common causes of an API not being avilable are:

  • a permission is missing in the application's manifest.json file
  • the API is defined on a newer version of Chrome then the current runtime
docs inherited from ChromeApi
bool get available => _omnibox != null;

final Stream onInputCancelled #

User has ended the keyword input session without accepting the input.

Stream get onInputCancelled => _onInputCancelled.stream;

final Stream<OnInputChangedEvent> onInputChanged #

User has changed what is typed into the omnibox.

Stream<OnInputChangedEvent> get onInputChanged => _onInputChanged.stream;

final Stream<OnInputEnteredEvent> onInputEntered #

User has accepted what is typed into the omnibox.

Stream<OnInputEnteredEvent> get onInputEntered => _onInputEntered.stream;

final Stream onInputStarted #

User has started a keyword input session by typing the extension's keyword. This is guaranteed to be sent exactly once per input session, and before any onInputChanged events.

Stream get onInputStarted => _onInputStarted.stream;


void sendSuggestions(int requestId, List<SuggestResult> suggestResults) #

A callback passed to the onInputChanged event used for sending suggestions back to the browser.

suggestResults An array of suggest results

void sendSuggestions(int requestId, List<SuggestResult> suggestResults) {
 if (_omnibox == null) _throwNotAvailable();

 _omnibox.callMethod('sendSuggestions', [requestId, jsify(suggestResults)]);

void setDefaultSuggestion(DefaultSuggestResult suggestion) #

Sets the description and styling for the default suggestion. The default suggestion is the text that is displayed in the first suggestion row underneath the URL bar.

suggestion A partial SuggestResult object, without the 'content' parameter.

void setDefaultSuggestion(DefaultSuggestResult suggestion) {
 if (_omnibox == null) _throwNotAvailable();

 _omnibox.callMethod('setDefaultSuggestion', [jsify(suggestion)]);