ChromePower class
class ChromePower extends ChromeApi { static final JsObject _power = chrome['power']; ChromePower._(); bool get available => _power != null; /** * Requests that power management be temporarily disabled. [level] describes * the degree to which power management should be disabled. If a request * previously made by the same app is still active, it will be replaced by the * new request. */ void requestKeepAwake(Level level) { if (_power == null) _throwNotAvailable(); _power.callMethod('requestKeepAwake', [jsify(level)]); } /** * Releases a request previously made via requestKeepAwake(). */ void releaseKeepAwake() { if (_power == null) _throwNotAvailable(); _power.callMethod('releaseKeepAwake'); } void _throwNotAvailable() { throw new UnsupportedError("'chrome.power' is not available"); } }
ChromeApi > ChromePower
final bool available #
Returns true if the API is available. The common causes of an API not being avilable are:
- a permission is missing in the application's manifest.json file
- the API is defined on a newer version of Chrome then the current runtime
docs inherited from ChromeApi
bool get available => _power != null;
void releaseKeepAwake() #
Releases a request previously made via requestKeepAwake().
void releaseKeepAwake() { if (_power == null) _throwNotAvailable(); _power.callMethod('releaseKeepAwake'); }
void requestKeepAwake(Level level) #
Requests that power management be temporarily disabled. level describes the degree to which power management should be disabled. If a request previously made by the same app is still active, it will be replaced by the new request.
void requestKeepAwake(Level level) { if (_power == null) _throwNotAvailable(); _power.callMethod('requestKeepAwake', [jsify(level)]); }