Dart Documentationchrome.processesProcess

Process class

An object containing information about one of the browser's processes.

class Process extends ChromeObject {
 Process({int id, int osProcessId, String type, String profile, List<int> tabs, var cpu, var network, var privateMemory, var jsMemoryAllocated, var jsMemoryUsed, var sqliteMemory, var fps, Cache imageCache, Cache scriptCache, Cache cssCache}) {
   if (id != null) this.id = id;
   if (osProcessId != null) this.osProcessId = osProcessId;
   if (type != null) this.type = type;
   if (profile != null) this.profile = profile;
   if (tabs != null) this.tabs = tabs;
   if (cpu != null) this.cpu = cpu;
   if (network != null) this.network = network;
   if (privateMemory != null) this.privateMemory = privateMemory;
   if (jsMemoryAllocated != null) this.jsMemoryAllocated = jsMemoryAllocated;
   if (jsMemoryUsed != null) this.jsMemoryUsed = jsMemoryUsed;
   if (sqliteMemory != null) this.sqliteMemory = sqliteMemory;
   if (fps != null) this.fps = fps;
   if (imageCache != null) this.imageCache = imageCache;
   if (scriptCache != null) this.scriptCache = scriptCache;
   if (cssCache != null) this.cssCache = cssCache;
 Process.fromProxy(JsObject jsProxy): super.fromProxy(jsProxy);

  * Unique ID of the process provided by the browser.
 int get id => jsProxy['id'];
 set id(int value) => jsProxy['id'] = value;

  * The ID of the process, as provided by the OS.
 int get osProcessId => jsProxy['osProcessId'];
 set osProcessId(int value) => jsProxy['osProcessId'] = value;

  * The type of process.
  * enum of `browser`, `renderer`, `extension`, `notification`, `plugin`,
  * `worker`, `nacl`, `utility`, `gpu`, `other`
 String get type => jsProxy['type'];
 set type(String value) => jsProxy['type'] = value;

  * The profile which the process is associated with.
 String get profile => jsProxy['profile'];
 set profile(String value) => jsProxy['profile'] = value;

  * Array of Tab IDs that have a page rendered by this process. The list will
  * be non-empty for renderer processes only.
 List<int> get tabs => listify(jsProxy['tabs']);
 set tabs(List<int> value) => jsProxy['tabs'] = jsify(value);

  * The most recent measurement of the process CPU usage, between 0 and 100%.
  * Only available when receiving the object as part of a callback from
  * onUpdated or onUpdatedWithMemory.
 dynamic get cpu => jsProxy['cpu'];
 set cpu(var value) => jsProxy['cpu'] = jsify(value);

  * The most recent measurement of the process network usage, in bytes per
  * second. Only available when receiving the object as part of a callback from
  * onUpdated or onUpdatedWithMemory.
 dynamic get network => jsProxy['network'];
 set network(var value) => jsProxy['network'] = jsify(value);

  * The most recent measurement of the process private memory usage, in bytes.
  * Only available when receiving the object as part of a callback from
  * onUpdatedWithMemory or getProcessInfo with the includeMemory flag.
 dynamic get privateMemory => jsProxy['privateMemory'];
 set privateMemory(var value) => jsProxy['privateMemory'] = jsify(value);

  * The most recent measurement of the process JavaScript allocated memory, in
  * bytes. Only available when receiving the object as part of a callback from
  * onUpdated or onUpdatedWithMemory.
 dynamic get jsMemoryAllocated => jsProxy['jsMemoryAllocated'];
 set jsMemoryAllocated(var value) => jsProxy['jsMemoryAllocated'] = jsify(value);

  * The most recent measurement of the process JavaScript memory used, in
  * bytes. Only available when receiving the object as part of a callback from
  * onUpdated or onUpdatedWithMemory.
 dynamic get jsMemoryUsed => jsProxy['jsMemoryUsed'];
 set jsMemoryUsed(var value) => jsProxy['jsMemoryUsed'] = jsify(value);

  * The most recent measurement of the process’s SQLite memory usage, in bytes.
  * Only available when receiving the object as part of a callback from
  * onUpdated or onUpdatedWithMemory.
 dynamic get sqliteMemory => jsProxy['sqliteMemory'];
 set sqliteMemory(var value) => jsProxy['sqliteMemory'] = jsify(value);

  * The most recent measurement of the process frames per second. Only
  * available when receiving the object as part of a callback from onUpdated or
  * onUpdatedWithMemory.
 dynamic get fps => jsProxy['fps'];
 set fps(var value) => jsProxy['fps'] = jsify(value);

  * The most recent information about the image cache for the process. Only
  * available when receiving the object as part of a callback from onUpdated or
  * onUpdatedWithMemory.
 Cache get imageCache => _createCache(jsProxy['imageCache']);
 set imageCache(Cache value) => jsProxy['imageCache'] = jsify(value);

  * The most recent information about the script cache for the process. Only
  * available when receiving the object as part of a callback from onUpdated or
  * onUpdatedWithMemory.
 Cache get scriptCache => _createCache(jsProxy['scriptCache']);
 set scriptCache(Cache value) => jsProxy['scriptCache'] = jsify(value);

  * The most recent information about the CSS cache for the process. Only
  * available when receiving the object as part of a callback from onUpdated or
  * onUpdatedWithMemory.
 Cache get cssCache => _createCache(jsProxy['cssCache']);
 set cssCache(Cache value) => jsProxy['cssCache'] = jsify(value);


ChromeObject > Process


new Process({int id, int osProcessId, String type, String profile, List<int> tabs, cpu, network, privateMemory, jsMemoryAllocated, jsMemoryUsed, sqliteMemory, fps, Cache imageCache, Cache scriptCache, Cache cssCache}) #

Create a new instance of a ChromeObject, which creates and delegates to a JsObject proxy.

docs inherited from ChromeObject
Process({int id, int osProcessId, String type, String profile, List<int> tabs, var cpu, var network, var privateMemory, var jsMemoryAllocated, var jsMemoryUsed, var sqliteMemory, var fps, Cache imageCache, Cache scriptCache, Cache cssCache}) {
 if (id != null) this.id = id;
 if (osProcessId != null) this.osProcessId = osProcessId;
 if (type != null) this.type = type;
 if (profile != null) this.profile = profile;
 if (tabs != null) this.tabs = tabs;
 if (cpu != null) this.cpu = cpu;
 if (network != null) this.network = network;
 if (privateMemory != null) this.privateMemory = privateMemory;
 if (jsMemoryAllocated != null) this.jsMemoryAllocated = jsMemoryAllocated;
 if (jsMemoryUsed != null) this.jsMemoryUsed = jsMemoryUsed;
 if (sqliteMemory != null) this.sqliteMemory = sqliteMemory;
 if (fps != null) this.fps = fps;
 if (imageCache != null) this.imageCache = imageCache;
 if (scriptCache != null) this.scriptCache = scriptCache;
 if (cssCache != null) this.cssCache = cssCache;

new Process.fromProxy(JsObject jsProxy) #

Create a new instance of a ChromeObject, which delegates to the given JsObject proxy.

docs inherited from ChromeObject
Process.fromProxy(JsObject jsProxy): super.fromProxy(jsProxy);


var cpu #

The most recent measurement of the process CPU usage, between 0 and 100%. Only available when receiving the object as part of a callback from onUpdated or onUpdatedWithMemory.

dynamic get cpu => jsProxy['cpu'];
set cpu(var value) => jsProxy['cpu'] = jsify(value);

Cache cssCache #

The most recent information about the CSS cache for the process. Only available when receiving the object as part of a callback from onUpdated or onUpdatedWithMemory.

Cache get cssCache => _createCache(jsProxy['cssCache']);
set cssCache(Cache value) => jsProxy['cssCache'] = jsify(value);

var fps #

The most recent measurement of the process frames per second. Only available when receiving the object as part of a callback from onUpdated or onUpdatedWithMemory.

dynamic get fps => jsProxy['fps'];
set fps(var value) => jsProxy['fps'] = jsify(value);

int id #

Unique ID of the process provided by the browser.

int get id => jsProxy['id'];
set id(int value) => jsProxy['id'] = value;

Cache imageCache #

The most recent information about the image cache for the process. Only available when receiving the object as part of a callback from onUpdated or onUpdatedWithMemory.

Cache get imageCache => _createCache(jsProxy['imageCache']);
set imageCache(Cache value) => jsProxy['imageCache'] = jsify(value);

var jsMemoryAllocated #

The most recent measurement of the process JavaScript allocated memory, in bytes. Only available when receiving the object as part of a callback from onUpdated or onUpdatedWithMemory.

dynamic get jsMemoryAllocated => jsProxy['jsMemoryAllocated'];
set jsMemoryAllocated(var value) => jsProxy['jsMemoryAllocated'] = jsify(value);

var jsMemoryUsed #

The most recent measurement of the process JavaScript memory used, in bytes. Only available when receiving the object as part of a callback from onUpdated or onUpdatedWithMemory.

dynamic get jsMemoryUsed => jsProxy['jsMemoryUsed'];
set jsMemoryUsed(var value) => jsProxy['jsMemoryUsed'] = jsify(value);

final jsProxy #

inherited from ChromeObject
final dynamic jsProxy

var network #

The most recent measurement of the process network usage, in bytes per second. Only available when receiving the object as part of a callback from onUpdated or onUpdatedWithMemory.

dynamic get network => jsProxy['network'];
set network(var value) => jsProxy['network'] = jsify(value);

int osProcessId #

The ID of the process, as provided by the OS.

int get osProcessId => jsProxy['osProcessId'];
set osProcessId(int value) => jsProxy['osProcessId'] = value;

var privateMemory #

The most recent measurement of the process private memory usage, in bytes. Only available when receiving the object as part of a callback from onUpdatedWithMemory or getProcessInfo with the includeMemory flag.

dynamic get privateMemory => jsProxy['privateMemory'];
set privateMemory(var value) => jsProxy['privateMemory'] = jsify(value);

String profile #

The profile which the process is associated with.

String get profile => jsProxy['profile'];
set profile(String value) => jsProxy['profile'] = value;

Cache scriptCache #

The most recent information about the script cache for the process. Only available when receiving the object as part of a callback from onUpdated or onUpdatedWithMemory.

Cache get scriptCache => _createCache(jsProxy['scriptCache']);
set scriptCache(Cache value) => jsProxy['scriptCache'] = jsify(value);

var sqliteMemory #

The most recent measurement of the process’s SQLite memory usage, in bytes. Only available when receiving the object as part of a callback from onUpdated or onUpdatedWithMemory.

dynamic get sqliteMemory => jsProxy['sqliteMemory'];
set sqliteMemory(var value) => jsProxy['sqliteMemory'] = jsify(value);

List<int> tabs #

Array of Tab IDs that have a page rendered by this process. The list will be non-empty for renderer processes only.

List<int> get tabs => listify(jsProxy['tabs']);
set tabs(List<int> value) => jsProxy['tabs'] = jsify(value);

String type #

The type of process. enum of browser, renderer, extension, notification, plugin, worker, nacl, utility, gpu, other

String get type => jsProxy['type'];
set type(String value) => jsProxy['type'] = value;


JsObject toJs() #

inherited from ChromeObject
JsObject toJs() => jsProxy;

String toString() #

inherited from ChromeObject

Returns a string representation of this object.

docs inherited from Object
String toString() => jsProxy.toString();