ChromeStorage class
class ChromeStorage extends ChromeApi { static final JsObject _storage = chrome['storage']; ChromeStorage._(); bool get available => _storage != null; /** * Items in the `sync` storage area are synced using Chrome Sync. */ SyncStorageArea get sync => _createSyncStorageArea(_storage['sync']); /** * Items in the `local` storage area are local to each machine. */ LocalStorageArea get local => _createLocalStorageArea(_storage['local']); /** * Fired when one or more items change. */ Stream<StorageOnChangedEvent> get onChanged =>; final ChromeStreamController<StorageOnChangedEvent> _onChanged = new ChromeStreamController<StorageOnChangedEvent>.twoArgs(_storage, 'onChanged', _createOnChangedEvent); void _throwNotAvailable() { throw new UnsupportedError("'' is not available"); } }
ChromeApi > ChromeStorage
final bool available #
Returns true if the API is available. The common causes of an API not being avilable are:
- a permission is missing in the application's manifest.json file
- the API is defined on a newer version of Chrome then the current runtime
docs inherited from ChromeApi
bool get available => _storage != null;
final LocalStorageArea local #
Items in the local
storage area are local to each machine.
LocalStorageArea get local => _createLocalStorageArea(_storage['local']);
final Stream<StorageOnChangedEvent> onChanged #
Fired when one or more items change.
Stream<StorageOnChangedEvent> get onChanged =>;
final SyncStorageArea sync #
Items in the sync
storage area are synced using Chrome Sync.
SyncStorageArea get sync => _createSyncStorageArea(_storage['sync']);