Dart Documentationchrome.typesTypesSetParams

TypesSetParams class

class TypesSetParams extends ChromeObject {
 TypesSetParams({var value, String scope}) {
   if (value != null) this.value = value;
   if (scope != null) this.scope = scope;
 TypesSetParams.fromProxy(JsObject jsProxy): super.fromProxy(jsProxy);

  * The value of the setting. <br/>Note that every setting has a specific value
  * type, which is described together with the setting. An extension should
  * _not_ set a value of a different type.
 dynamic get value => jsProxy['value'];
 set value(var value) => jsProxy['value'] = jsify(value);

  * Where to set the setting (default: regular). One of<ul><li>[regular]:
  * setting for the regular profile (which is inherited by the incognito
  * profile if not overridden elsewhere),</li><li>[regular_only]: setting for
  * the regular profile only (not inherited by the incognito
  * profile),</li><li>[incognito_persistent]: setting for the incognito profile
  * that survives browser restarts (overrides regular
  * preferences),</li><li>[incognito_session_only]: setting for the incognito
  * profile that can only be set during an incognito session and is deleted
  * when the incognito session ends (overrides regular and incognito_persistent
  * preferences).</li></ul>
  * enum of `regular`, `regular_only`, `incognito_persistent`,
  * `incognito_session_only`
 String get scope => jsProxy['scope'];
 set scope(String value) => jsProxy['scope'] = value;


ChromeObject > TypesSetParams


new TypesSetParams({value, String scope}) #

Create a new instance of a ChromeObject, which creates and delegates to a JsObject proxy.

docs inherited from ChromeObject
TypesSetParams({var value, String scope}) {
 if (value != null) this.value = value;
 if (scope != null) this.scope = scope;

new TypesSetParams.fromProxy(JsObject jsProxy) #

Create a new instance of a ChromeObject, which delegates to the given JsObject proxy.

docs inherited from ChromeObject
TypesSetParams.fromProxy(JsObject jsProxy): super.fromProxy(jsProxy);


final jsProxy #

inherited from ChromeObject
final dynamic jsProxy

String scope #

Where to set the setting (default: regular). One of<ul><li>regular: setting for the regular profile (which is inherited by the incognito profile if not overridden elsewhere),</li><li>regular_only: setting for the regular profile only (not inherited by the incognito profile),</li><li>incognito_persistent: setting for the incognito profile that survives browser restarts (overrides regular preferences),</li><li>[incognito_session_only]: setting for the incognito profile that can only be set during an incognito session and is deleted when the incognito session ends (overrides regular and incognito_persistent preferences).</li></ul> enum of regular, regular_only, incognito_persistent, incognito_session_only

String get scope => jsProxy['scope'];
set scope(String value) => jsProxy['scope'] = value;

var value #

The value of the setting. <br/>Note that every setting has a specific value type, which is described together with the setting. An extension should not set a value of a different type.

dynamic get value => jsProxy['value'];
set value(var value) => jsProxy['value'] = jsify(value);


JsObject toJs() #

inherited from ChromeObject
JsObject toJs() => jsProxy;

String toString() #

inherited from ChromeObject

Returns a string representation of this object.

docs inherited from Object
String toString() => jsProxy.toString();