Dart Documentationchrome.webRequestOnAuthRequiredEvent

OnAuthRequiredEvent class

Fired when an authentication failure is received. The listener has three options: it can provide authentication credentials, it can cancel the request and display the error page, or it can take no action on the challenge. If bad user credentials are provided, this may be called multiple times for the same request.

class OnAuthRequiredEvent {
 final Map details;

  * `optional`
 final dynamic callback;

 OnAuthRequiredEvent(this.details, this.callback);


new OnAuthRequiredEvent(Map details, callback) #

Creates a new Object instance.

Object instances have no meaningful state, and are only useful through their identity. An Object instance is equal to itself only.

docs inherited from Object
OnAuthRequiredEvent(this.details, this.callback);


final callback #


final dynamic callback

final Map details #

final Map details