Dart Documentationchrome.windowsWindow

Window class

class Window extends ChromeObject {
 Window({int id, bool focused, int top, int left, int width, int height, List<Tab> tabs, bool incognito, String type, String state, bool alwaysOnTop, String sessionId}) {
   if (id != null) this.id = id;
   if (focused != null) this.focused = focused;
   if (top != null) this.top = top;
   if (left != null) this.left = left;
   if (width != null) this.width = width;
   if (height != null) this.height = height;
   if (tabs != null) this.tabs = tabs;
   if (incognito != null) this.incognito = incognito;
   if (type != null) this.type = type;
   if (state != null) this.state = state;
   if (alwaysOnTop != null) this.alwaysOnTop = alwaysOnTop;
   if (sessionId != null) this.sessionId = sessionId;
 Window.fromProxy(JsObject jsProxy): super.fromProxy(jsProxy);

  * The ID of the window. Window IDs are unique within a browser session. Under
  * some circumstances a Window may not be assigned an ID, for example when
  * querying windows using the [sessions] API, in which case a session ID may
  * be present.
 int get id => jsProxy['id'];
 set id(int value) => jsProxy['id'] = value;

  * Whether the window is currently the focused window.
 bool get focused => jsProxy['focused'];
 set focused(bool value) => jsProxy['focused'] = value;

  * The offset of the window from the top edge of the screen in pixels. Under
  * some circumstances a Window may not be assigned top property, for example
  * when querying closed windows from the [sessions] API.
 int get top => jsProxy['top'];
 set top(int value) => jsProxy['top'] = value;

  * The offset of the window from the left edge of the screen in pixels. Under
  * some circumstances a Window may not be assigned left property, for example
  * when querying closed windows from the [sessions] API.
 int get left => jsProxy['left'];
 set left(int value) => jsProxy['left'] = value;

  * The width of the window, including the frame, in pixels. Under some
  * circumstances a Window may not be assigned width property, for example when
  * querying closed windows from the [sessions] API.
 int get width => jsProxy['width'];
 set width(int value) => jsProxy['width'] = value;

  * The height of the window, including the frame, in pixels. Under some
  * circumstances a Window may not be assigned height property, for example
  * when querying closed windows from the [sessions] API.
 int get height => jsProxy['height'];
 set height(int value) => jsProxy['height'] = value;

  * Array of [tabs.Tab] objects representing the current tabs in the window.
 List<Tab> get tabs => listify(jsProxy['tabs'], _createTab);
 set tabs(List<Tab> value) => jsProxy['tabs'] = jsify(value);

  * Whether the window is incognito.
 bool get incognito => jsProxy['incognito'];
 set incognito(bool value) => jsProxy['incognito'] = value;

  * The type of browser window this is. Under some circumstances a Window may
  * not be assigned type property, for example when querying closed windows
  * from the [sessions] API.
  * enum of `normal`, `popup`, `panel`, `app`
 String get type => jsProxy['type'];
 set type(String value) => jsProxy['type'] = value;

  * The state of this browser window. Under some circumstances a Window may not
  * be assigned state property, for example when querying closed windows from
  * the [sessions] API.
  * enum of `normal`, `minimized`, `maximized`, `fullscreen`
 String get state => jsProxy['state'];
 set state(String value) => jsProxy['state'] = value;

  * Whether the window is set to be always on top.
 bool get alwaysOnTop => jsProxy['alwaysOnTop'];
 set alwaysOnTop(bool value) => jsProxy['alwaysOnTop'] = value;

  * The session ID used to uniquely identify a Window obtained from the
  * [sessions] API.
 String get sessionId => jsProxy['sessionId'];
 set sessionId(String value) => jsProxy['sessionId'] = value;


ChromeObject > Window


new Window({int id, bool focused, int top, int left, int width, int height, List<Tab> tabs, bool incognito, String type, String state, bool alwaysOnTop, String sessionId}) #

Create a new instance of a ChromeObject, which creates and delegates to a JsObject proxy.

docs inherited from ChromeObject
Window({int id, bool focused, int top, int left, int width, int height, List<Tab> tabs, bool incognito, String type, String state, bool alwaysOnTop, String sessionId}) {
 if (id != null) this.id = id;
 if (focused != null) this.focused = focused;
 if (top != null) this.top = top;
 if (left != null) this.left = left;
 if (width != null) this.width = width;
 if (height != null) this.height = height;
 if (tabs != null) this.tabs = tabs;
 if (incognito != null) this.incognito = incognito;
 if (type != null) this.type = type;
 if (state != null) this.state = state;
 if (alwaysOnTop != null) this.alwaysOnTop = alwaysOnTop;
 if (sessionId != null) this.sessionId = sessionId;

new Window.fromProxy(JsObject jsProxy) #

Create a new instance of a ChromeObject, which delegates to the given JsObject proxy.

docs inherited from ChromeObject
Window.fromProxy(JsObject jsProxy): super.fromProxy(jsProxy);


bool alwaysOnTop #

Whether the window is set to be always on top.

bool get alwaysOnTop => jsProxy['alwaysOnTop'];
set alwaysOnTop(bool value) => jsProxy['alwaysOnTop'] = value;

bool focused #

Whether the window is currently the focused window.

bool get focused => jsProxy['focused'];
set focused(bool value) => jsProxy['focused'] = value;

int height #

The height of the window, including the frame, in pixels. Under some circumstances a Window may not be assigned height property, for example when querying closed windows from the sessions API.

int get height => jsProxy['height'];
set height(int value) => jsProxy['height'] = value;

int id #

The ID of the window. Window IDs are unique within a browser session. Under some circumstances a Window may not be assigned an ID, for example when querying windows using the sessions API, in which case a session ID may be present.

int get id => jsProxy['id'];
set id(int value) => jsProxy['id'] = value;

bool incognito #

Whether the window is incognito.

bool get incognito => jsProxy['incognito'];
set incognito(bool value) => jsProxy['incognito'] = value;

final jsProxy #

inherited from ChromeObject
final dynamic jsProxy

int left #

The offset of the window from the left edge of the screen in pixels. Under some circumstances a Window may not be assigned left property, for example when querying closed windows from the sessions API.

int get left => jsProxy['left'];
set left(int value) => jsProxy['left'] = value;

String sessionId #

The session ID used to uniquely identify a Window obtained from the sessions API.

String get sessionId => jsProxy['sessionId'];
set sessionId(String value) => jsProxy['sessionId'] = value;

String state #

The state of this browser window. Under some circumstances a Window may not be assigned state property, for example when querying closed windows from the sessions API. enum of normal, minimized, maximized, fullscreen

String get state => jsProxy['state'];
set state(String value) => jsProxy['state'] = value;

List<Tab> tabs #

Array of tabs.Tab objects representing the current tabs in the window.

List<Tab> get tabs => listify(jsProxy['tabs'], _createTab);
set tabs(List<Tab> value) => jsProxy['tabs'] = jsify(value);

int top #

The offset of the window from the top edge of the screen in pixels. Under some circumstances a Window may not be assigned top property, for example when querying closed windows from the sessions API.

int get top => jsProxy['top'];
set top(int value) => jsProxy['top'] = value;

String type #

The type of browser window this is. Under some circumstances a Window may not be assigned type property, for example when querying closed windows from the sessions API. enum of normal, popup, panel, app

String get type => jsProxy['type'];
set type(String value) => jsProxy['type'] = value;

int width #

The width of the window, including the frame, in pixels. Under some circumstances a Window may not be assigned width property, for example when querying closed windows from the sessions API.

int get width => jsProxy['width'];
set width(int value) => jsProxy['width'] = value;


JsObject toJs() #

inherited from ChromeObject
JsObject toJs() => jsProxy;

String toString() #

inherited from ChromeObject

Returns a string representation of this object.

docs inherited from Object
String toString() => jsProxy.toString();