Dart Documentationchrome.runtimeChromeRuntime

ChromeRuntime class

class ChromeRuntime extends ChromeApi {
 static final JsObject _runtime = chrome['runtime'];


 bool get available => _runtime != null;

  * This will be defined during an API method callback if there was an error
 LastErrorRuntime get lastError => _createLastErrorRuntime(_runtime['lastError']);

  * The ID of the extension/app.
 String get id => _runtime['id'];

  * Retrieves the JavaScript 'window' object for the background page running
  * inside the current extension/app. If the background page is an event page,
  * the system will ensure it is loaded before calling the callback. If there
  * is no background page, an error is set.
  * Returns:
  * The JavaScript 'window' object for the background page.
 Future<Window> getBackgroundPage() {
   if (_runtime == null) _throwNotAvailable();

   var completer = new ChromeCompleter<Window>.oneArg(_createWindow);
   _runtime.callMethod('getBackgroundPage', [completer.callback]);
   return completer.future;

  * Returns details about the app or extension from the manifest. The object
  * returned is a serialization of the full [manifest file](manifest.html).
  * Returns:
  * The manifest details.
 Map<String, dynamic> getManifest() {
   if (_runtime == null) _throwNotAvailable();

   return mapify(_runtime.callMethod('getManifest'));

  * Converts a relative path within an app/extension install directory to a
  * fully-qualified URL.
  * [path] A path to a resource within an app/extension expressed relative to
  * its install directory.
  * Returns:
  * The fully-qualified URL to the resource.
 String getURL(String path) {
   if (_runtime == null) _throwNotAvailable();

   return _runtime.callMethod('getURL', [path]);

  * Sets the URL to be visited upon uninstallation. This may be used to clean
  * up server-side data, do analytics, and implement surveys. Maximum 255
  * characters.
 void setUninstallUrl(String url) {
   if (_runtime == null) _throwNotAvailable();

   _runtime.callMethod('setUninstallUrl', [url]);

  * Reloads the app or extension.
 void reload() {
   if (_runtime == null) _throwNotAvailable();


  * Requests an update check for this app/extension.
  * Returns:
  * [status] Result of the update check.
  * enum of `throttled`, `no_update`, `update_available`
  * [details] If an update is available, this contains more information about
  * the available update.
 Future<RequestUpdateCheckResult> requestUpdateCheck() {
   if (_runtime == null) _throwNotAvailable();

   var completer = new ChromeCompleter<RequestUpdateCheckResult>.twoArgs(RequestUpdateCheckResult._create);
   _runtime.callMethod('requestUpdateCheck', [completer.callback]);
   return completer.future;

  * Restart the ChromeOS device when the app runs in kiosk mode. Otherwise,
  * it's no-op.
 void restart() {
   if (_runtime == null) _throwNotAvailable();


  * Attempts to connect to other listeners within the extension/app (such as
  * the background page), or other extensions/apps. This is useful for content
  * scripts connecting to their extension processes. Note that this does not
  * connect to any listeners in a content script. Extensions may connect to
  * content scripts embedded in tabs via [tabs.connect.]
  * [extensionId] The ID of the extension/app you want to connect to. If
  * omitted, default is your own extension.
  * Returns:
  * Port through which messages can be sent and received. The port's
  * [][runtime.Port onDisconnect] event is fired if the extension/app does not
  * exist.
 Port connect([String extensionId, RuntimeConnectParams connectInfo]) {
   if (_runtime == null) _throwNotAvailable();

   return _createPort(_runtime.callMethod('connect', [extensionId, jsify(connectInfo)]));

  * Connects to a native application in the host machine.
  * [application] The name of the registered application to connect to.
  * Returns:
  * Port through which messages can be sent and received with the application
 Port connectNative(String application) {
   if (_runtime == null) _throwNotAvailable();

   return _createPort(_runtime.callMethod('connectNative', [application]));

  * Sends a single message to onMessage event listeners within the extension
  * (or another extension/app). Similar to chrome.runtime.connect, but only
  * sends a single message with an optional response. The [runtime.onMessage]
  * event is fired in each extension page of the extension. Note that
  * extensions cannot send messages to content scripts using this method. To
  * send messages to content scripts, use [tabs.sendMessage.]
  * [extensionId] The extension ID of the extension you want to connect to. If
  * omitted, default is your own extension.
  * Returns:
  * The JSON response object sent by the handler of the message. If an error
  * occurs while connecting to the extension, the callback will be called with
  * no arguments and [runtime.lastError] will be set to the error message.
 Future<dynamic> sendMessage(dynamic message, [String extensionId, RuntimeSendMessageParams options]) {
   if (_runtime == null) _throwNotAvailable();

   var completer = new ChromeCompleter<dynamic>.oneArg();
   _runtime.callMethod('sendMessage', [extensionId, jsify(message), jsify(options), completer.callback]);
   return completer.future;

  * Send a single message to a native application.
  * [application] The name of the native messaging host.
  * [message] The message that will be passed to the native messaging host.
  * Returns:
  * The response message send by the native messaging host. If an error occurs
  * while connecting to the native messaging host, the callback will be called
  * with no arguments and [runtime.lastError] will be set to the error message.
 Future<dynamic> sendNativeMessage(String application, Map<String, dynamic> message) {
   if (_runtime == null) _throwNotAvailable();

   var completer = new ChromeCompleter<dynamic>.oneArg();
   _runtime.callMethod('sendNativeMessage', [application, jsify(message), completer.callback]);
   return completer.future;

  * Returns information about the current platform.
 Future<Map> getPlatformInfo() {
   if (_runtime == null) _throwNotAvailable();

   var completer = new ChromeCompleter<Map>.oneArg(mapify);
   _runtime.callMethod('getPlatformInfo', [completer.callback]);
   return completer.future;

  * Returns a DirectoryEntry for the package directory.
 Future<DirectoryEntry> getPackageDirectoryEntry() {
   if (_runtime == null) _throwNotAvailable();

   var completer = new ChromeCompleter<DirectoryEntry>.oneArg(_createDirectoryEntry);
   _runtime.callMethod('getPackageDirectoryEntry', [completer.callback]);
   return completer.future;

  * Fired when a profile that has this extension installed first starts up.
  * This event is not fired when an incognito profile is started, even if this
  * extension is operating in 'split' incognito mode.
 Stream get onStartup => _onStartup.stream;

 final ChromeStreamController _onStartup =
     new ChromeStreamController.noArgs(_runtime, 'onStartup');

  * Fired when the extension is first installed, when the extension is updated
  * to a new version, and when Chrome is updated to a new version.
 Stream<Map> get onInstalled => _onInstalled.stream;

 final ChromeStreamController<Map> _onInstalled =
     new ChromeStreamController<Map>.oneArg(_runtime, 'onInstalled', mapify);

  * Sent to the event page just before it is unloaded. This gives the extension
  * opportunity to do some clean up. Note that since the page is unloading, any
  * asynchronous operations started while handling this event are not
  * guaranteed to complete. If more activity for the event page occurs before
  * it gets unloaded the onSuspendCanceled event will be sent and the page
  * won't be unloaded.
 Stream get onSuspend => _onSuspend.stream;

 final ChromeStreamController _onSuspend =
     new ChromeStreamController.noArgs(_runtime, 'onSuspend');

  * Sent after onSuspend to indicate that the app won't be unloaded after all.
 Stream get onSuspendCanceled => _onSuspendCanceled.stream;

 final ChromeStreamController _onSuspendCanceled =
     new ChromeStreamController.noArgs(_runtime, 'onSuspendCanceled');

  * Fired when an update is available, but isn't installed immediately because
  * the app is currently running. If you do nothing, the update will be
  * installed the next time the background page gets unloaded, if you want it
  * to be installed sooner you can explicitly call chrome.runtime.reload().
 Stream<Map<String, dynamic>> get onUpdateAvailable => _onUpdateAvailable.stream;

 final ChromeStreamController<Map<String, dynamic>> _onUpdateAvailable =
     new ChromeStreamController<Map<String, dynamic>>.oneArg(_runtime, 'onUpdateAvailable', mapify);

  * Fired when a Chrome update is available, but isn't installed immediately
  * because a browser restart is required.
 Stream get onBrowserUpdateAvailable => _onBrowserUpdateAvailable.stream;

 final ChromeStreamController _onBrowserUpdateAvailable =
     new ChromeStreamController.noArgs(_runtime, 'onBrowserUpdateAvailable');

  * Fired when a connection is made from either an extension process or a
  * content script.
 Stream<Port> get onConnect => _onConnect.stream;

 final ChromeStreamController<Port> _onConnect =
     new ChromeStreamController<Port>.oneArg(_runtime, 'onConnect', _createPort);

  * Fired when a connection is made from another extension.
 Stream<Port> get onConnectExternal => _onConnectExternal.stream;

 final ChromeStreamController<Port> _onConnectExternal =
     new ChromeStreamController<Port>.oneArg(_runtime, 'onConnectExternal', _createPort);

  * Fired when a message is sent from either an extension process or a content
  * script.
 Stream<OnMessageEvent> get onMessage => _onMessage.stream;

 final ChromeStreamController<OnMessageEvent> _onMessage =
     new ChromeStreamController<OnMessageEvent>.threeArgs(_runtime, 'onMessage', _createOnMessageEvent);

  * Fired when a message is sent from another extension/app. Cannot be used in
  * a content script.
 Stream<OnMessageExternalEvent> get onMessageExternal => _onMessageExternal.stream;

 final ChromeStreamController<OnMessageExternalEvent> _onMessageExternal =
     new ChromeStreamController<OnMessageExternalEvent>.threeArgs(_runtime, 'onMessageExternal', _createOnMessageExternalEvent);

  * Fired when an app or the device that it runs on needs to be restarted. The
  * app should close all its windows at its earliest convenient time to let the
  * restart to happen. If the app does nothing, a restart will be enforced
  * after a 24-hour grace period has passed. Currently, this event is only
  * fired for Chrome OS kiosk apps.
 Stream<String> get onRestartRequired => _onRestartRequired.stream;

 final ChromeStreamController<String> _onRestartRequired =
     new ChromeStreamController<String>.oneArg(_runtime, 'onRestartRequired', selfConverter);

 void _throwNotAvailable() {
   throw new UnsupportedError("'chrome.runtime' is not available");


ChromeApi > ChromeRuntime


final bool available #

Returns true if the API is available. The common causes of an API not being avilable are:

  • a permission is missing in the application's manifest.json file
  • the API is defined on a newer version of Chrome then the current runtime
docs inherited from ChromeApi
bool get available => _runtime != null;

final String id #

The ID of the extension/app.

String get id => _runtime['id'];

final LastErrorRuntime lastError #

This will be defined during an API method callback if there was an error

LastErrorRuntime get lastError => _createLastErrorRuntime(_runtime['lastError']);

final Stream onBrowserUpdateAvailable #

Fired when a Chrome update is available, but isn't installed immediately because a browser restart is required.

Stream get onBrowserUpdateAvailable => _onBrowserUpdateAvailable.stream;

final Stream<Port> onConnect #

Fired when a connection is made from either an extension process or a content script.

Stream<Port> get onConnect => _onConnect.stream;

final Stream<Port> onConnectExternal #

Fired when a connection is made from another extension.

Stream<Port> get onConnectExternal => _onConnectExternal.stream;

final Stream<Map> onInstalled #

Fired when the extension is first installed, when the extension is updated to a new version, and when Chrome is updated to a new version.

Stream<Map> get onInstalled => _onInstalled.stream;

final Stream<OnMessageEvent> onMessage #

Fired when a message is sent from either an extension process or a content script.

Stream<OnMessageEvent> get onMessage => _onMessage.stream;

final Stream<OnMessageExternalEvent> onMessageExternal #

Fired when a message is sent from another extension/app. Cannot be used in a content script.

Stream<OnMessageExternalEvent> get onMessageExternal => _onMessageExternal.stream;

final Stream<String> onRestartRequired #

Fired when an app or the device that it runs on needs to be restarted. The app should close all its windows at its earliest convenient time to let the restart to happen. If the app does nothing, a restart will be enforced after a 24-hour grace period has passed. Currently, this event is only fired for Chrome OS kiosk apps.

Stream<String> get onRestartRequired => _onRestartRequired.stream;

final Stream onStartup #

Fired when a profile that has this extension installed first starts up. This event is not fired when an incognito profile is started, even if this extension is operating in 'split' incognito mode.

Stream get onStartup => _onStartup.stream;

final Stream onSuspend #

Sent to the event page just before it is unloaded. This gives the extension opportunity to do some clean up. Note that since the page is unloading, any asynchronous operations started while handling this event are not guaranteed to complete. If more activity for the event page occurs before it gets unloaded the onSuspendCanceled event will be sent and the page won't be unloaded.

Stream get onSuspend => _onSuspend.stream;

final Stream onSuspendCanceled #

Sent after onSuspend to indicate that the app won't be unloaded after all.

Stream get onSuspendCanceled => _onSuspendCanceled.stream;

final Stream<Map<String, dynamic>> onUpdateAvailable #

Fired when an update is available, but isn't installed immediately because the app is currently running. If you do nothing, the update will be installed the next time the background page gets unloaded, if you want it to be installed sooner you can explicitly call chrome.runtime.reload().

Stream<Map<String, dynamic>> get onUpdateAvailable => _onUpdateAvailable.stream;


Port connect([String extensionId, RuntimeConnectParams connectInfo]) #

Attempts to connect to other listeners within the extension/app (such as the background page), or other extensions/apps. This is useful for content scripts connecting to their extension processes. Note that this does not connect to any listeners in a content script. Extensions may connect to content scripts embedded in tabs via tabs.connect.

extensionId The ID of the extension/app you want to connect to. If omitted, default is your own extension.

Returns: Port through which messages can be sent and received. The port's [][runtime.Port onDisconnect] event is fired if the extension/app does not exist.

Port connect([String extensionId, RuntimeConnectParams connectInfo]) {
 if (_runtime == null) _throwNotAvailable();

 return _createPort(_runtime.callMethod('connect', [extensionId, jsify(connectInfo)]));

Port connectNative(String application) #

Connects to a native application in the host machine.

application The name of the registered application to connect to.

Returns: Port through which messages can be sent and received with the application

Port connectNative(String application) {
 if (_runtime == null) _throwNotAvailable();

 return _createPort(_runtime.callMethod('connectNative', [application]));

Future<Window> getBackgroundPage() #

Retrieves the JavaScript 'window' object for the background page running inside the current extension/app. If the background page is an event page, the system will ensure it is loaded before calling the callback. If there is no background page, an error is set.

Returns: The JavaScript 'window' object for the background page.

Future<Window> getBackgroundPage() {
 if (_runtime == null) _throwNotAvailable();

 var completer = new ChromeCompleter<Window>.oneArg(_createWindow);
 _runtime.callMethod('getBackgroundPage', [completer.callback]);
 return completer.future;

Map<String, dynamic> getManifest() #

Returns details about the app or extension from the manifest. The object returned is a serialization of the full manifest file.

Returns: The manifest details.

Map<String, dynamic> getManifest() {
 if (_runtime == null) _throwNotAvailable();

 return mapify(_runtime.callMethod('getManifest'));

Future<DirectoryEntry> getPackageDirectoryEntry() #

Returns a DirectoryEntry for the package directory.

Future<DirectoryEntry> getPackageDirectoryEntry() {
 if (_runtime == null) _throwNotAvailable();

 var completer = new ChromeCompleter<DirectoryEntry>.oneArg(_createDirectoryEntry);
 _runtime.callMethod('getPackageDirectoryEntry', [completer.callback]);
 return completer.future;

Future<Map> getPlatformInfo() #

Returns information about the current platform.

Future<Map> getPlatformInfo() {
 if (_runtime == null) _throwNotAvailable();

 var completer = new ChromeCompleter<Map>.oneArg(mapify);
 _runtime.callMethod('getPlatformInfo', [completer.callback]);
 return completer.future;

String getURL(String path) #

Converts a relative path within an app/extension install directory to a fully-qualified URL.

path A path to a resource within an app/extension expressed relative to its install directory.

Returns: The fully-qualified URL to the resource.

String getURL(String path) {
 if (_runtime == null) _throwNotAvailable();

 return _runtime.callMethod('getURL', [path]);

void reload() #

Reloads the app or extension.

void reload() {
 if (_runtime == null) _throwNotAvailable();


Future<RequestUpdateCheckResult> requestUpdateCheck() #

Requests an update check for this app/extension.

Returns: status Result of the update check. enum of throttled, no_update, update_available details If an update is available, this contains more information about the available update.

Future<RequestUpdateCheckResult> requestUpdateCheck() {
 if (_runtime == null) _throwNotAvailable();

 var completer = new ChromeCompleter<RequestUpdateCheckResult>.twoArgs(RequestUpdateCheckResult._create);
 _runtime.callMethod('requestUpdateCheck', [completer.callback]);
 return completer.future;

void restart() #

Restart the ChromeOS device when the app runs in kiosk mode. Otherwise, it's no-op.

void restart() {
 if (_runtime == null) _throwNotAvailable();


Future<dynamic> sendMessage(message, [String extensionId, RuntimeSendMessageParams options]) #

Sends a single message to onMessage event listeners within the extension (or another extension/app). Similar to chrome.runtime.connect, but only sends a single message with an optional response. The runtime.onMessage event is fired in each extension page of the extension. Note that extensions cannot send messages to content scripts using this method. To send messages to content scripts, use tabs.sendMessage.

extensionId The extension ID of the extension you want to connect to. If omitted, default is your own extension.

Returns: The JSON response object sent by the handler of the message. If an error occurs while connecting to the extension, the callback will be called with no arguments and runtime.lastError will be set to the error message.

Future<dynamic> sendMessage(dynamic message, [String extensionId, RuntimeSendMessageParams options]) {
 if (_runtime == null) _throwNotAvailable();

 var completer = new ChromeCompleter<dynamic>.oneArg();
 _runtime.callMethod('sendMessage', [extensionId, jsify(message), jsify(options), completer.callback]);
 return completer.future;

Future<dynamic> sendNativeMessage(String application, Map<String, dynamic> message) #

Send a single message to a native application.

application The name of the native messaging host.

message The message that will be passed to the native messaging host.

Returns: The response message send by the native messaging host. If an error occurs while connecting to the native messaging host, the callback will be called with no arguments and runtime.lastError will be set to the error message.

Future<dynamic> sendNativeMessage(String application, Map<String, dynamic> message) {
 if (_runtime == null) _throwNotAvailable();

 var completer = new ChromeCompleter<dynamic>.oneArg();
 _runtime.callMethod('sendNativeMessage', [application, jsify(message), completer.callback]);
 return completer.future;

void setUninstallUrl(String url) #

Sets the URL to be visited upon uninstallation. This may be used to clean up server-side data, do analytics, and implement surveys. Maximum 255 characters.

void setUninstallUrl(String url) {
 if (_runtime == null) _throwNotAvailable();

 _runtime.callMethod('setUninstallUrl', [url]);